An incredibly disheartening phenomenon affecting and estimated 18 million children across the United States. Statistics have shown that about 20% of students frequently experience bullying and one third of students have experienced bullying at one point in their life. 

A New Beginning


New Blogger on the Block

Ok I’m a late boomer, or old fashioned, at least for people my age. I don’t tweet. Still stumble my way around Facebook. I don’t really understand “blogging,” but I guess that’s what I’m here to find out. In the era of Facebook and Twitter, very few of my friends actually “blog.” I don’t really consider reposting pictures as a form of “blogging,” but what do I know. I attempt to find out and explore “blogging” myself through this endeavor. I hope to be disciplined enough to provide frequent posts and updates. I have a lot of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and questions toward things around me. This is exciting for sure to say the least.

A little bit about myself, I guess: I go to the University of Texas at Austin. I study Government and Finance (perhaps Management). I love the University. I am blessed with a group of supportive friends, faculty, and administrators. My goal is to graduate, get a job with a management consulting firm to learn about the energy industry and business administration in general, and then go back to school afterwards to obtain a MBA or JD. I like to think of myself as an optimistic realist, someone who is on one hand optimistic about life and what God has in store for me, while on the other hand is also skeptical and guarded about his surroundings.

Like I said, I will try hard to keep up with the blog, at least once a week – college is intense. In this blog, I will provide thoughts on politics, economics, business, history, current events, food, movies, etc., so literally anything goes. I will also try to post things I find interesting from other websites. Please feel free to bookmark and check back frequently. I welcome all your comments.

