Life, Politics

The Legacy of George W. Bush: Freedom is Universal

Bushes at the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

Photos Courtesy of the George W. Bush Center

Danny Zeng | April 29th, 2013

As I was watching the re-run of the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Center over the weekend, I was struck by the transcendent nature of the office of the presidency, that so many have dedicated their lives to preserving and promoting in modern times. Laura Bush articulates the democratic nature of the library by pointing out that, “like the White House, the Presidential Library belongs to all American people.” The office of the Presidency is the only office in our country that is nationally elected through the Electoral College with the support of the popular vote. To me, Presidential Libraries represent the collective memories of our nation. They are academic portals to the uncovering of historical truths. They symbolize the spirit and strength of our democracy. I was reminded that so many modern presidents and their families have poured their hearts and minds into leading our nation through prosperous and trying times. I alongside my fellow Americans am indebted to their service to our nation in preservation of our precious liberties.

George W. Bush’s legacy will be left to the judgment of history. Sure, he has made mistakes, like all presidents had. President Bush, however, also made historic decisions during his presidency in a post 9/11 world that are still shaping the course of the nation and indeed of the world today. He is a man of conviction. He admits that one of his deepest convictions is for the United States to promote freedom.

I believe that freedom is a gift from God and the hope of every human heart. Freedom inspired our founders and preserved our union through civil war and secured the promise of civil rights. Freedom sustains dissonance bound by chains. Believers huddled in underground churches. And voters who risked their lives to cast their ballots. Freedom unleashed creativity, rewards innovation and replaces poverty with prosperity. And ultimately freedom lights the path to peace. Freedom brings responsibility

The cornerstone of President Bush’s unique brand of conservatism lies in compassion: “Independence from the State does not mean isolation from each other. A free society thrives when neighbors help neighbors. And the strong protect the weak. And public policies promote private compassion

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What a remarkable occasion to witness all living Presidents of this greatest nation on earth sharing a stage together in dedication to the legacy of freedom and democracy.

From President Carter’s classic punchy adulation for Bush 43’s effort in procuring a peace agreement for Sudan, to President Clinton’s claim as the “black sheep” of the Bush family, and yet even to President Obama’s acknowledgement of President Bush’s legacy in Africa, the semblance of democratic stability and maturity was striking. One of my favorite moments from the ceremony was after President H.W. Bush briefly thanked everyone for attending the dedication, Bush 43 whispered to his old man, “good job,” H.W. responded, “what? Too long?”

I look forward to the work of the George W. Bush Institute, especially in education reform, human freedom, woman’s initiative, and global health. Love it or hate it, the legacy of the Bush family will endure in the cause of freedom, and we are the next generation to carry on this arduous task. As we like to say and know here at UT, the Eyes of Texas are upon us: we are the future.

I salute President Bush for his sacrifice and service to our country.

“Life is a service to the end” – George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America

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