
Broken Society

The op-ed from Ross Douthat of New York Times apts portrays the kind of challenge that contemporary politics faces: “The progressive bias toward the capital-F Future, the old left-wing suspicion of faith and domesticity, the fact that Democrats have benefited politically from these trends — all of this makes it easy for liberals to just celebrate the emerging America, to minimize the costs of disrupted families and hollowed-out communities, and to treat the places where Americans have traditionally found solidarity outside the state (like the churches threatened by the Obama White House’s contraceptive mandate) as irritants or threats”

Douthat’s point speaks directly to the plight of minorities under redistributive policies: more broken families and communities as I have suggested in my previous post. Republicans need to do a better job pointing out the flaws of modern liberalism in order to reclaim credibility in the eyes of the “emerging America.” America has a proud tradition of immigration and inclusion. The tolerance inherent in the American society, as result of our unique history, is something to be proud of and something worthy of preservation. There is a place for civil institutions, such as places for worship, schools, and universities, in our society. They need to play a larger role in stabilizing our communities, yet unfortunately, they themselves are broken and in need of reforms. 

Liberal Ignorance to Societal Disintegration
